Ginataang Tulingan

Ginataang Tulingan - Tara Po Magluto - Mga Lutong Pinoy Atbp - Pinoy Recipe - Filipino Foods

Ginataang Tulingan the sweetness of coconut milk and the aroma of other ingredients specially the ginger create a delicious  flavor of this recipe. Let's start, tara po magluto.


1/2 Tulingan (Skipjack tuna)
1 cup of water
4 cloves garlic chopped
1 onions chopped
1 small ginger chopped
1/2 cup vinegar
2 cups coconut milk
1 pcs eggplant
2 pcs siling haba (green chili)
salt and pepper to taste

Let's Cook:

In a cooking pot, put the fish, garlic, ginger, onion, chili water and vinegar.

Simmer it for about 10 minutes or until the liquid is evaporated.
Add the coconut milk simmer it for 10 - 15 minutes or until the sauce is thicken in a medium heat. Eventually add the egg plant  and simmer for 3 minutes Serve and enjoy.

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